2024 Board Slate of Candidates
To help you select five nominees from this year’s slate of candidates, we have compiled a list of questions and answers which can be reviewed below.

Osborne Construction & Maintenance
Kevin Osborne
QUESTION 1: What are some of your prior leadership experiences?
A: Mattawan Area Food Pantry (2009-current), Mattawan Community Church Deacon (2008-2010), Cadet volunteer (2017-current), Group Workcamps Mission Trips (2007-2010). In these volunteer roles I have been a leader in building projects, coordinating volunteer teams and ensuring quality.
QUESTION 2: What skills, connections, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the HBA?
A: I have been in the trades for 25 years, and a licensed builder for 15 years. During the first 10 years I worked in various trades, and have a strong background in all aspects of building. During that time, I created many connections with people in those trades, suppliers, and inspectors. That gives me a big network of people to help in various ways.
QUESTION 3: Have you made contributions to help “strengthen our community”?
A: Yes, I have done a lot of pro bono work for non-profits, low income, and elderly. That is one of the reasons why it means so much to be involved with the Kalamazoo Attainable Homes Partnership.
QUESTION 4: What extracurricular or outside interests do you have?
A: I enjoy hiking with my family, drag racing, restoring cars, and competition shooting.
QUESTION 5: If elected, my goals for the Association would include:
A: One of my main goals would be to help grow the HBA’s membership and to encourage the group to learn from one another. I believe we are better together! With that in mind, we can make all areas in our region stronger communities.
*Current Board member; running for a 2nd term.

DeLoof Builders LLC
Scott DeLoof
QUESTION 1: What are some of your prior leadership experiences?
2009-2010: HBA Board of Directors
2011: Executive Committee Treasurer
2012: Vice president
2013-2015: HBA President
State HBA director: current
National HBA Director, Government relations chairman, Fast Built chairman
Finance deacon chairman CenterPoint church
QUESTION 2: What skills, connections, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the HBA?
A: 11 years of Board experience at all levels. Have connections to state and local government.
QUESTION 3: Have you made contributions to help “strengthen our community”?
A: 5+ Fast Built projects/ Donated time, labor (my staff) and resources - Rampathons
QUESTION 4: What extracurricular or outside interests do you have?
A: Hunting, Drag Racing, hanging with my kids and wife camping.
QUESTION 5: If elected, my goals for the Association would include:
A: Find and generate a new revenue stream.
*Current Board member; running for a 2nd term.

Magnuson Build & Design
Eric Magnuson
QUESTION 1: What are some of your prior leadership experiences?
A: I am the owner of a construction company, was a foreman for Jim Roberts Construction, former leader in my LRS HBN unit in the Army, co-captain of varsity soccer and the vice president of my college fraternity.
QUESTION 2: What skills, connections, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the HBA?
A: Jim Roberts was my mentor for 22 years and I am a member of the NAHB 20 club program.
QUESTION 3: Have you made contributions to help “strengthen our community”?
A: I have been a part of fast builds, hospitality homes, and Truck Pulls.
QUESTION 4: What extracurricular or outside interests do you have?
A: I like target shooting and have participated in the HBA’s Sporting Clays event for several years.
QUESTION 5: If elected, my goals for the Association would include:
A: Our industry is in dire need of workers, so my focus would be to recruit more people to the trades.

Floor Coverings International Kalamazoo
Amy Remmert
QUESTION 1: What are some of your prior leadership experiences?
A: Manager of Member Services, Kalamazoo Regional Chamber of Commerce. Oversaw a volunteer program called the Ambassadors; held multiple Board positions over the years including Board President and/or board member of the Vine Neighborhood Association, Northside Business Association, KNHS, Habitat for Humanity, Kalamazoo Symphony, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra League , Kalamazoo Rotary. Have done grassroots organizing in my neighborhood including "Building Blocks". Currently belong to Relationship Builders International, Barrels, Bottles & Brews networking, Rotary Club of Kalamazoo and sit on the board of the Rotary District 6360 Foundation Board.
QUESTION 2: What skills, connections, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the HBA?
A: Own my home and have developed many skills to tackle home improvements. Have contracted with many contractors to get work done that I can't manage myself. I have a wide range of connections in the community. Have held positions in my employment that put me into the public arena where I worked with many local leaders and business people to advance community development. I graduated from Leadership Kalamazoo and the US Chamber of Commerce Leadership program in the late 90s. my understanding of the community and the dynamics of government, business and nonprofits have resulted in advancement of projects in Kalamazoo, my neighborhood as well as in my work. Conducted a trade show through the Chamber of Commerce for multiple years growing it and increasing revenue. Handled raffles for multiple organizations and did volunteer work in fundraising, hands on projects and met goal in all of them.
QUESTION 3: Have you made contributions to help “strengthen our community”?
A: As you can see from the various roles I've played in the community, I've been able to make my community stronger though my volunteer efforts. Davis Street Park and the enhancement of this part of my neighborhood has been on my agenda for many years. Through Rotary, I have worked with a group to winterize homes on the northside. LaCrone Park on the northside was a project I organized for multiple years through the Northside Business Association. I participated in fundraising activities of the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra and the League to make musical experiences to the youth of the Kalamazoo area as well as other organizations.
QUESTION 4: What extracurricular or outside interests do you have?
A: I love volunteering for nonprofits to build a better community, enjoy Bunco wth with friends, and enjoy sitting in the stands at Schoolcraft watching my grandson participate in sports. I travel only minimally but do enjoy it when I can. I also enjoy genealogy and take great interest in learning more about my family's roots.
QUESTION 5: If elected, my goals for the Association would include:
A: Increasing the visibility of HBA, continuing collaborations with other like-minded organizations to increase and improve housing stock in the community, and provide the necessary updates and training on related issues that affect the building industry. Help increase membership in order to continue HBA's valuable work.

Local Gutters
Luke Albrecht
QUESTION 1: What are some of your prior leadership experiences?
A: I am a current member of the Board of Directors, Former President of BNI Chapter, and a small business owner.
QUESTION 2: What skills, connections, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the HBA?
A: Been in the industry for over 20 years dealing with remodeling and new construction. Experience ranging from installing, to selling materials, then to selling install service. I have a vast network in the industry.
QUESTION 3: Have you made contributions to help “strengthen our community”?
A: Heavily involved in HBA volunteering: Fast Built, Veteran’s Home, MiCareer Quest, Expo. Sponsor numerous youth sports teams. Support of community advocates: Loaves & fishes, KZCF, Kalamazoo defender.
QUESTION 4: What extracurricular or outside interests do you have?
A: Honestly, doing work for myself is extracurricular. Small chance of fun stuff: Hunt, Disc Golf, and visiting breweries/wineries.
QUESTION 5: If elected, my goals for the Association would include:
Increasing the value of HBA membership. Help continuing our collaborations with other like-minded organizations to improve housing inventory in the community, and continue to increase membership.
Keep pushing for extending the value to the members. Showing how to use the HBA as an extra employee and helping hand. Be the bridge for the lil guy to the bigger builders. Help network and promote small business and keeping it local.
*Current Board member; running for a 2nd term.

Hawks Hollow Builders
Sera Gesmundo
QUESTION 1: What are some of your prior leadership experiences?
I have been on the Executive Committee and Strategic Planning Committee for HBA. I enjoy being involved and making a difference by helping build strong relationships within the organization that will help lead our industry in a great direction.
QUESTION 2: What skills, connections, resources, and expertise do you have to offer and are willing to use on behalf of the HBA?
I own and operate Hawks Hollow Builders and have a wide variety of trade contractors and suppliers that I work with on a daily basis. I have been in the building industry for 30 years and understand how relationships make a strong community.
QUESTION 3: Have you made contributions to help “strengthen our community”?
I have donated both money and my time. I donate to multiple organizations and have also become involved with the Gull Lake Quality Water Association to make sure our lake stays clean and continues to draw people to our community.
QUESTION 4: What extracurricular or outside interests do you have?
I enjoy reading, walking my dog, and boating.
QUESTION 5: If elected, my goals for the Association would include:
I would like to highlight building trades as a great career choice by sharing opportunity and provide training to help make this career a more chosen path for our youth.
*Current Board member; running for a 2nd term.
OR vote in person 10/11/23!
The HBA of Western Michigan's annual election of Directors will take place via Absentee Ballot (this electronic form valid 9/28 - 10/10) and in-person at the October 11th General Membership Meeting (GMM) at The Gilmore Car Museum.
Only one vote is allowed per member organization, and only builder and associate members in good standing can vote.
The five (5) newly elected Directors will take office in January and serve a three-year term. Remaining officers for 2024 will be elected from the roster of 2024 Directors at their December Board meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact HBA Western Michigan CEO, Aaron Hovestadt.